25 Days of Blogging – Countdown to Christmas, Day 6 :)

6th December already….this month really is flying by!

Today’s advent calendar treat was the Eyeko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner in black.

I am not great at using these felt-tip style eye liners and much prefer the thin line that can be achieved with something like Urban Decay’s RazorSharp eyeliner.  That said, I thought I would give it a go as I wasn’t planning on wearing much makeup today.  Generally speaking if I am going for a bold eye look or have done something fancy with glitter, I tend to stay away from these types of eyeliner because the line I draw ends up getting thicker and thicker plus if the line is thick, it potentially covers any nice effect I had going with the eyeshadows so that’s just my thought.

Today I wore a basic neutral shade on my eyelids and a light brown in the crease, then used the eyeliner just above the lash line…I cannot for the life of my draw winged eyeliner freehand with a pen like this and I didn’t have time for the old tape trick!

I find the name of this bizarre…’Skinny’….as eyeliner pens go, I thought this was a bit thicker but perhaps not…as I say, I don’t tend to favour these.

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As you can see, the line is quite thick, but that could just be my technique isn’t great….more practice needed I think!  Review in terms of long-lasting, colour transfer and so on, I applied this at around 10am, it is now 7pm and the colour is just as vividly black as it was this morning, there is no smudging or colour transfer onto my lid so that is great as I have thrown pens away before that have transferred onto my lid so that’s a thumbs up from me.

Would I buy it?  Yes if I used that sort of pen.  Will I buy it?  No because my preference is a much thinner line.  Will I use this product now I have it?  Indeed…no point in wasting it so I may have to have a play with the Full Spectrum Palette bright colours and try a winged eye with the assistance of tape and see how that goes.

Come back tomorrow for Day 7….a week through December already!

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments box below or on my facebook page. Follow me on Instagram: beautyandtheballroom and Twitter: @Mazzo7 xx

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