Eyeko Mascara, M&S Calendar

M&S Beauty Advent Calendar Day 4 – Eyeko

Day 4 already and another little treat inside the M&S Beauty Advent calendar.  

Eyeko Lash Alert Mascara

Eyeko Mascara, M&S Calendar

I have tried an Eyeko mascara before thanks to the 2017 calendar which contained the Black Magic version.  Initially I was very impressed with the mascara but found that by the end of the day it had smudged under my eyes leaving me with panda eyes!  I am really hoping that this one is better as I have heard that Eyeko mascaras are good!   

I have applied this today when doing my basic daytime makeup.  The brush is great because it is curved so seems to work with the natural shape of the lashes so I was able to apply a coat of this without going over and over as some straighter brushes need.  I will be at dance class later so will apply another layer to see if it clumps at all and also test longevity and whether it smudges under my eyes.  This will be reviewed in my December empties post as I will make this my daily mascara to test it thoroughly.

At £23.75 per 10ml, this 4ml tube is worth £9.50.  Paraben-free also has a tick too!  😛 

Do you have a beauty advent calendar?  If so I’d love to know what treats you’re getting too! 

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments box below or on my facebook page. Check out my social media….links below


Disclaimer:  These items were sent to me for review.  All opinions expressed are my own and it was my choice to add links to any websites throughout this post.  Any website links included are not affiliate links and I will not earn commission through you using any link in this post.

4 thoughts on “M&S Beauty Advent Calendar Day 4 – Eyeko

  1. englishwithkirsty says:

    I haven’t tried that mascara, but I got the M&S calendar last year and quite liked the one I had in there. I think one of the great things about the calendars is trying out some new products and brands that you haven’t heard of before.
    I am unboxing Glossybox throughout Blogmas – this is what I got today: https://unseen-beauty.com/2018/12/04/blogmas-2018-festive-gifts-from-the-body-shop/

    Enjoy the rest of your calendar 🙂

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