Blogger Recognition Award

Wow!  I was nominated again for this Blogger Recognition Award again so massive Thank You to both Jamie at Don’t Give a Jam and Planet Beauty Blog– go check their blogs out too!!

**Update, after receiving another nomination I’d also like to add a Thank you to Beauty Mommies too 🙂  Go check their blog too!!

I thought I would literally repost my original blog because my answers for why I started my blog and my advice I would give to new bloggers remains the same.

I will however nominate some more bloggers as I now follow so many super cool blogs!


I started my blog in October 2016 so I’m still relatively new to blogging!! I’m still learning what to do, what to write about, how to gain followers etc but I’m loving it! I started because I love Ballroom and Latin dancing and I love anything beauty related…the 2 overlap naturally given I have to look the part as a dancer whether I’m in lesson, exam or competition so my hair and makeup are an important part of my hobby. I can also talk the hind legs off a donkey so why not start a blog and write my ramblings and see what happens! I enjoy writing my blogs and I enjoy interacting with other bloggers and seeing their recommendations or views on things.

Advice that I would give to new bloggers is purely what I have learnt so far. Gaining followers was slow at first but the more I followed other bloggers, liked posts and made comments, the more followers, likes and comments I was gaining. In doing this not only was I gaining followers but I have learnt a lot in reading the other blogs and it’s so much fun 🙂 So interact with people!!! The second bit of advice is to use social media as much as possible. I have a Facebook page…. Check out my Facebook page and hit ‘LIKE’ 🙂 , I use Twitter and Instagram…to share my page and posts. Sometimes with Instagram I post a photo, perhaps just a layout of my makeup, not to promote a particular blog post but it keeps my blog name out there.

I nominate the following bloggers for this award:

Sloppy Kisses and Blushing Skin


An Anxious Mum 101


Mrs Strawberry Blonde

Beauty By a Dutch Girl



Here are the rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Write a post to show your award.
Give a brief story of how your blog started.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments box below or on my facebook page. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook…links below xx

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